Social media marketing is definitely redefining marketing strategies for businesses in this day and age. As strategies are discussed as to how to remain relevant one must keep in mind certain factors regarding the content they post and how their followers will interact with it. As a content creator this 3 are must's for you in regard to the content you post; Must be Engaging Is the content that you post going to trigger your followers to like your post, comment on the post, give suggestions or reviews.Posting content that will trigger a reaction from your followers is key when determining what kind of content to post. Must be Consistent Your social media following entails people who value either your product or service; Therefore you have to be consistent in posting of your content. Your followers need to be always up to date on all information necessary i.e offers, giveaways, advice, product launch & updates etc. Lack of consistency may trigger them to opt for ...
Digital is evolving each day and I have a chance to learn & Share through this platform. Get to learn Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, Paid Advertising and so much more in the Digital Space. Lets engage I do appreciate your comments.