What makes you standout?
What makes you buy from a specific brand/service provider? What makes you the best
candidate of choice after a job interview? Our lives are made up of the
different decisions we make, whether good or bad & that is how Search
Engines work. In this article we discuss; what is SEO & tools used & why it
is important.
What is SEO & tools
Search Engine
Optimization is the ranking of a website by a search engine. The different web
browsers have the Search engines Google or Bing. The search engine first
performs a crawl of the different sources of information that make up the web.
It is then followed up with indexing which is a record of the content that will
be presented based on search made. Ranking- providing pieces of content that
answer the query, this is the last step performed by the search engine.
Different sites are shown as a result of your query & you get to choose
which one answers your question best.
The results that appear
on search, at the very top are sponsored then followed by organic. The
sponsored results are of companies that use Google AdWords where they bid to
pay a specific amount when the inquiry matches keywords. Multiple companies can
bid for the same keywords, but the highest bidder gets to appear first on the
Other result formats used by Google; featured snippet, people also ask.
The factors that determine
if your website gets to appear on the first page of search results;
- Site speed
- Website content
- Link building
Loading time of any
website determines if a visitor stays or leaves, use Google Page Speed Insight
to check if you are on the right track. Ensure content is updated frequently
& is precise; product description, location, about us page & contact
information. Explore all content formats; text, video & image, carousels,
with the goal to educate or entertain your audience. Link Building involves
having quality backlinks. Link Building is a representation of authority &
trust. Having backlinks from high authority websites in your website lets it
rank higher on search results.
SEO is a component of
Digital Marketing. Your company should have a team of people able to perform
all the components of Digital Marketing for quality results or you can also
outsource an SEO professional. Here are some tools you can use to learn more
about SEO & what you can achieve;
The tools mentioned are used to perform;
Website Audit- discover
all the activities that happen on your site; traffic sources-web or mobile,
audience- geography, gender & age, click through rate, bounce rate, time on
Rank tracking– what makes
your website appear on Search Engine Result Page(SERP)? The search engines
through use of algorithms determine the relevance of all stored information
then displays results to a query made in order of most relevant to least
Keyword Research- what
words would a customer use to search for your business? All those words
constitute what makes up the content on your website & social media. Keyword
Research is not only important for paid ads but also for organic content. Read
more here.
Backlink analysis- One
trick to link building is having quality content such that people link their
website with yours. You can also collaborate with businesses & industry
thought leaders by writing their thoughts on a subject or writing about the product.
Research for Paid Ads-Paid Ad campaigns serve different purposes; create brand awareness, increase sales, increase website traffic you can’t afford to get it wrong. Besides the tools mentioned above, when running a Google AdWords campaign check out Google keyword planner. Carrying out a competitor analysis to know what is working for your competitors can help inform your decisions. Read more here.
Also, use Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster to learn; your site search traffic and performance & fix issues.
Try out the different features of Serpstat for their 7-day trial period, use the code THEE_HAVEN.
Importance of SEO
Increased organic traffic.
Better ranking position
on SERP.
Quality content
incorporating keywords.
SEO is not a one off
activity, it is continuous. Remember to add all those SEO plugins to your
website, stay up-to-date with all the Google updates, keep updating your
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