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Customer Experience/Service on Social Media.

The greatest revolution in this era has got to be on marketing. Gears have shifted from print, radio and Tv to Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Influencer Marketing amongst many other latest marketing technologies. However certain aspects still have to prevail Customer Service & Experience. Business owner(s) & Entrepreneur(s) are definitely realizing the impact social media presence has in their businesses. Subject of significance however would be, What's the customers experience on the platform? Does the team that handles your social media respond to their inquires, how do they respond, do they feel as though they are part of your brand, does your brand communicate & engage with them etc. Customer Service and Customer Experience are definitely  the greatest defining factors that moving forward will define your brand in the social space. The value of being engaged with your followers is that you learn what they expect of you as a brand, what they think

Making the most out of Twitter.

Personally i opened  my twitter account in 2011 after some time just stopped using it and embarked on using it late last year and couldn't help but notice the difference and all the new added features. It's one great platform especially for businesses, maximizing on all features will definitely show results in time. Retweet & like/favorite are two features that have great value. Enables interaction between your followers. which lets you know that they are in touch with what you offer as a product/service. Other features to build upon; Pinned tweet-  for businesses this is a life saver since you could make the pinned tweet be the one that describes what your business is all about. Polls- helps when carrying out a survey and need to gather information from your followers. Moments- using multiple pictures and tweets shared to create a story i.e explaining what your businesses is about,sharing about an event etc Lists- helps you cluster a group of people with

Online Audience.

All businesses have taken the route to having a social media presence/ platform they can interact with their audience. As a business, Have you taken the time to understand your audience? Does your content appeal to them? Both Facebook & Instagram exhibit almost the similar behavior in terms of audience. Questions When is the right time to make a post? When is the right time/day to pay for a paid post/ad? When should you engage/interact with users i.e contest, challenges? Observations Most people tend to be online between 12 pm -2 pm and 10 pm-1 am. However may vary in age group THUS your target market. The time frame therefore enables you to know when would be the right time to pay for ads on the platforms. Thursday-Sunday has many people online...serves as a good time to make a buzz about what your product/service is all about. Hence best time to engage with your followers as well. Growing your audience is a gradual step. The same audience will be your source of inc

Conversion V Engagement.

Integrating your business with social media is definitely one of the best decisions. However, certain questions come to mind once one has identified their audience on social media. When running an online campaign or paid post Ad's what do you aim to achieve? Both conversion & engagement matter in terms of measurement metrics and most certainly bring value to your business. Conversion can be measured by; Page/post like(s). Post shares/re-tweet. Engagement can be measured by; Inbox/message/call to know more information. Make order. Visit website. Comments made on a post. Subscription to a daily/monthly email update. Take time and measure both conversion & engagement for your business in all social platforms respectively and discover your growth. Hope you find this article helpful.

The value of Google Business Page for your business.

As a business owner/entrepreneur you set yourself out to learn and grow on how to handle different aspects of your business & individually. One of the greatest aspects of a business is social media presence which greatly defines what the business is about. Social media serves as a bridge of connection between one's business and potential clients. One of the most valuable social platforms is Google My Business that allows creation of a business page. A Google Business Page serves great purpose for once business, its values include; 1. Gives your business better position on Google search results. As you are making posts on the page make sure to include keywords that clients would use to search for your business or a business that matches product or service you are offering. 2. Insights in regard to how many people searched your business, the actions they took, the views your page got, returning customers etc. 3. It displays the most useful information about your business