' Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. ' ~James Harrington
We are constantly working towards achieving set goals and ensuring that our businesses are positioned for long-term success. We forget to check what is working, how it's working and most importantly the impact made.
In the article we will cover;
- What is Analytics for Digital Marking?
- Analytics- What to look out for.
- Importance of Analytics.
In your Digital Marketing strategy it is important to have a goal and not get into it blindly. The goal will proceed to give you better understanding of the data in your analytics. Businesses with web/blog presence use Google Analytics to capture all necessary insights. All social media platforms have inbuilt insight tool for analytics but you can also use paid tools which provide diverse results.Google Analytics gives you a break down clustered into five;
Take time to understand the results from the five clusters and make necessary improvements. You may seek help from an SEO expert or someone with the knowledge & understanding to interpret what you do not understand.
Here's what to keep track of;
- Bounce Rate- the percentage of people who visit your site and leave without interacting with other pages. A low rate is good.
- Click Through Rate- percentage of people who click on a link in your post or on your Ad when running a Pay Per Click Campaign.
- Traffic Channel- traffic to your website/blog can be direct or via referral sources i.e. Social Media. Cross promoting is the ultimate way to increase traffic to your website.
- User Demographics- it includes a break down of users by age, country & gender. Country is particularly important especially if you have an e-commerce site or a blog. The wider your reach the more you get to know how to serve your audience better and maximize for greater results.
- Device-your audience will be broken down between web & mobile. This lets you maximize on a particular device which is helpful especially when setting up a paid Ad campaign. A key rule during website development is ensuring it is mobile friendly.
Social Media
- Engagement- It is a combination of vanity & actionable metrics. It includes; likes,comments shares, retweets.
- Click Through Rate- percentage of people who click on a link in your post. On Instagram use Link on bio as your Call to Action. For Twitter & Facebook you can include a link in the caption, in the bio/about us section or on the pinned post on your page.
- Impressions-Is the total no.of times your content has been viewed.
Be it your team or an individual ensure to check your analytics atleast on a monthly basis. You need to ensure that all the effort in creating content and ensure seamless customer experience is generating results.
Google 'data analytics' and you'll find a straight forward definition of it. Google 'importance of data analytics in digital marketing', you'll discover 198 mil results, emphasizing understanding of the customer, and improving business efforts.
However, to truly understand the value of analytics in digital marketing, we must go more in-depth than google results; otherwise, we'll end up with a ruthless master. You see, many marketers tend to collect and analyze data before they decide on the context and the goals. Do not hoard data, do not analyze it before you know the purpose, do not fall for vanity.' Numerous likes ' don't mean a thing unless likes are the goal.
Analytics is essential, but only if you know how to use it to get the accurate insight which will improve YOUR business.
Importance of Analytics
- Create room for improvement; content both on social media and web, user experience on the web.
- Creates an understanding of the brands target audience. Through understanding their needs, who they are based on age & gender, you are able to keep them engaged and foster a community of your own.
- Creates an understanding of your conversion margins time & source. Knowing which times of the month have higher sales is important to track to be able to make informed financial decisions for your business.
- Optimize for a particular distribution channel by identifying which Digital Marketing medium works best for you & results into high engagement & conversion.
- Evaluate your Digital Success & Growth by checking customer engagement rate & satisfaction rate through reviews/ratings, website visits.
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