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Showing posts from 2023

The Ultimate SEO Guide for Beginners.

  What makes you standout? What makes you buy from a specific brand/service provider? What makes you the best candidate of choice after a job interview? Our lives are made up of the different decisions we make, whether good or bad & that is how Search Engines work. In this article we discuss; what is SEO & tools used & why it is important. What is SEO & tools used. Search Engine Optimization is the ranking of a website by a search engine. The different web browsers have the Search engines Google or Bing. The search engine first performs a crawl of the different sources of information that make up the web. It is then followed up with indexing which is a record of the content that will be presented based on search made. Ranking- providing pieces of content that answer the query, this is the last step performed by the search engine. Different sites are shown as a result of your query & you get to choose which one answers your question best. The results that a...

Where to Learn Essential Skills For Today's Job Market.

The ability to cultivate & incorporate new habits in our lives begins with having the right mindset. New habits are formed by reading, spending time with different minded people or a new place, learning or upgrading a skill. Learning not only improves our lives professionally but also individually thus impacting out output. Amongst many people all over the world setting the goal ~ learn a new skill ~ at the start of a new year or every new month is top on their planner. Getting better at a skill s one of the most rewarding feelings for any individual/business owner. Learning/improving a skill ranks you higher, you get paid better, is a chance for a job at a bigger company. What skill have you set out to learn or upgrade? The current job market is looking for people skillful in; content & article writing, web & graphic design, photo & video editing, digital marketing. How about setting aside a few hours of your day to learn one of this skills. The skills are profitab...